it say's that "hopes keeps a man living on earth".yap that's true for a some sort of level.But having hopes is still not enough to be happiest on earth.Some how we have to work for it.Grab our chances taking our best shot and getting best out of every chance we have been offered.
Anyway so far in my life there were only few goals which I wanted to be achieved before I leave the earth.And now I'm happy to say that I'm almost done with making them come true.As everybody else I felt my self as a abnormal unique character(smile).Don't know what does that mean to others,but
to me I'm having such weird practices of doing certain things and abstracting certain things to my thoughts.It might be depends on one to each other as I used to say.Just like we having four different type fingers in hand.Seems different but stays together.
It takes time to cure when your feelings have been hurt.But believe me,for me it takes as long as you say.Don't know why,but I would like to accept people as quickly as possible then start looking at their inner side of heart.But this is the most weird thing you can do on earth.(evil)
Somehow now it seems everything not about to get as it was.But glad to say, major scenarios are "SNAFU".So nothing to worry about your feeling about my feeling.
Thank you very much dear god...!!!
I found the way out !!!
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