in most of the time i felt like a alone person.obviously im not like that but seems it is a little bit hard to explain everything in a simple manner.as i think it will be good to have a future goal(mng) or a dream to spend the life easier.caze "hopes keeps a man alive".but how it will be possible when a man do not have such a big dream.just like me..(smile).
all i need to do is just to complete my education and get back to my daily routine as I used to be this far,and get nothing in return.(u know).but theirs stilll some incompleted things left to be done,either bad or worse.i can't help with it.i dont know how much long it would take,but i promise that to DONE once for ever.revenge was not a word of my life.but seems it wont left me any choice. all i know is MONEY can change human's feelings and relationships.and in the worst case even ur own blood will be betray for ur self for just cople thousand worth or valued things(ectronic).i hate when it all happnds to me but still i used to keep quit intill truth reveals.if it wont , i promise my react will be so damn and crural about this single incident.that's all.no more fogiveness ! hope everything will be all right and may u get luck to stay away from my daily routine for ur own good. becasuse dark blue sea keep hidden more things in the deep until it reveals.Tc