Well , quite a period of time before I was working as a marketing coordinator of a specific company. It was my primary duties to launch product promotions which have been scheduled in each month by outdoor promotions as well as e-promotions.
It was a very cost effective way and a convenient method to achieve specific market via
mail advertising as our products were mostly related to the IT sector.
Well when doing marketing things via mail I was in needing following things
1. An attractive Advertisement to be attached.
2. An e-mail account which should not be categorized as a Spam sender.
3. Customer base (yes your are right!! A mail base)
As a graphic designer it was getting couple of minutes for me to sketch a color full artwork
And it was my duty to keep coordination with e-mail advertisers and make sure the desired mail has been send to the correct mail box in correct time. For this purpose we have to reserve a time from their time belt. So they will do the distribution and all I had to make sure they have got
paid as agreed.
Having so much e-mail distribution campaigns during a single month We felt that it was
no more strategic way to keep this work out sourced. So finally we get busy to do this thing process done via our inner resources.
As I said our primary target was to collect much number of mail base as big as possible.
How to collect a large number of mail base?
Well do you have an idea how Search engines woks? It uses an automatic process called
“robot”(often called as bot ,spider etc..)These applications rush it to a single web site and follow the every link that attached in to it (As an examples if it starts with face book it follows every
inner ant outer link in it.such as music(dot)lk blogspot(dot)com or any…)
How do they Identify the LINK?
Simply these applications examines the tag code and identify the tag for the links And sends the content to the data base of search engine .The data base is then saves links with short description under very special manner which makes easy for retrieving data when users
asked to be get searched for..
As same as above for this we used an application called as a crawler.
It examines the text pattern of the web code. As you know every complete mail address could have an ampersand(@) .This is what crawler looks for. Actually it just looks for the word pattern.once it found that sign(@) it fetch the word after the dot(.)and all of the words before space on left side of (@)sign.So finally if this works for a period of one day it will provide us over 1000
mails per day.But to make this more efficient you have to run this process in the most
suitable web.As and example if you want and mail base of Srilankan teenage students.Well you can try it on elakiri (dot) com or music (dot) lk
Is it Legal sending spams?
Only if you have provided facility to the receiver to be unsubscribed from your mail
Well, how do I get rid by crawlers? I have to provide my mail for specific reasons.
Simply when typing your mail try to avoid use (@)sign as well as the top domain
Eg- someone (at )gm***
Do crawlers works on every web site?
Mostly it isn’t . Because now a days some specific sites block this type of third party
applications. But keeping you mail box safe is your duty.
Well Nipuna wht did you get this time to explain this so far??
“Just because I have applied to the Ad***nse couple of miniutes ago.So they need
some English vowels on my blog code to be accept my blog as containing English
articles as they are still not supporting UNICODE based sites ” how terrific?
Thank you everybody for
reading.Have a nice blogging
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